The Power of Love

I have several oracle card decks and I love to pull cards for my clients and myself. I don’t do this on a regular basis - I’m not a great “regular basis” kind of gal. When I do, it is always profound how spot on the message is for the recipient - at just the right time.

Today I pulled a card for us from my Tosha Silver “The Wild Offering Oracle”.

I call in the infinite power of Love to take over this union in every way. May it now fully belong to the Divine. Let it unfold in the perfect way for each of us. I needn’t fear letting go of control; my needs are always abundantly met.

I’m listening to Pandora as I was typing the words in the card, Johann Pachelbel’s Canon in D Major came on.

There are no coincidences.

Surrender control and outcomes. Trust in the unfolding of your relationships and your life.  Show up for you, for your relationship with yourself. Stand in the current and flow of your life and live!

If you’re ready to fully trust the unfolding of your life, to step into wonder and awe and move forward with joy, empowerment and love, join me for my Start Thriving Workshop. I want to help you lean into your greatness and live in your Infinite Wisdom, and this workshop series is a wonderful place to start. We’ll meet for three Tuesdays in a row, beginning August 24th, and I know it will change how you see yourself and your greatness in the world.

Sign Up Here:

 With Love,
~ jill

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